Register company

If you want to get listed as Consultant or Hardware Supplier please use this registration formular. You can edit you personal details, but your profile is only listed after we have approved it.

Please select your prefered profile type. 

First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name *
E-Mail *
Password *
Profile Type *
I provide my consent that AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (“AIT”, Giefinggasse 4; 1210 Vienna; Austria; office(at); +43 50550-0) processes the personal data provided in the form above for the purposes:
– exchange and cooperation between a vast number of stakeholders in respective areas in the context of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).
Please note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the privacy notice.